1| Together by Raychelle Duazo 2| Unknown name and artist posted by Matthew Schwartz 3| Creating Futures by Rommy Torrico. Contribute to and download this and other free art at amplifier.org

1  Together by Raychelle Duazo | 2  Unknown name and artist posted by Matthew Schwartz | 3  Creating Futures by Rommy Torrico. Contribute to and download this and other free art at amplifier.org

Why WE-Making?

Healthy, equitable communities are places that create the conditions for all people to reach their optimal well-being. Healthy, equitable communities are places with strong social cohesion. Place-based arts and cultural strategies can uniquely contribute to the formation of social cohesion. 

WE-Making provides a landmark, evidence-informed framework that maps the relationship between place-based arts and cultural strategies, social cohesion, and increased equitable community well-being. It offers an opportunity for practitioners to intentionally and strategically align their efforts to address today's most imperative crises: struggles for racial justice and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Weaving our We

by Carol Bebelle

Call it neighbor, friend, teacher, or just community, Now, a needed part of our happy. So, our life long collecting of others begins.

Place-Based arts and
Cultural Strategies...

WE-Making Theory of Change

Conceptual Framework

The Conceptual Framework maps the relationship between place-based arts and cultural strategies, social cohesion, and increased equitable community well-being. The Conceptual Framework:

  • Discusses the relationships between social cohesion, community well-being, and structural change
  • Synthesizes the academic literature on social cohesion
  • Maps the connections between place-based arts and cultural strategies and social cohesion through related concepts we call “drivers.”
  • Connects the dots from social cohesion to equitable community wellbeing through coordinated organization and activity and discusses the well-being impacts of place-based arts and cultural strategies on this pathway
  • Shares promising practices for arts and cultural strategies to improve community well-being for all
A diagram of drivers social cohesion and equitable community well-being


Theory of Change and Case Studies highlights key findings from the Conceptual Framework through an accessible narrative. The Literature Review provides an overview of the academic research on social cohesion for students and researchers. The Appendices dive more deeply into the project’s methodology and research. The Promising Practices Memo amplify WE-Making with special attention to issues of racial equity

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