"Miss You Love You Wash Your Hands" or MYLYWYH, started with artist Kyle Monhollen's request on social media for friends to share a song they would like to share to cheer up other people. He then linked each song to a unique QR code and printed a series of these codes with the project's title "Miss You Love You Wash Your Hands" on plain white copy paper. Kyle then enlisted helpers from Portland, OR, Lexington, KY, New York City, his hometown of Davis, CA and more to post the simple signs along public paths and sidewalks so that folks out for a socially distanced walk, run, or bike ride would find them, scan the QR code and get a little pick-me-up in the form of a song. It is social engagement for the socially distant, and a simple reminder that everyone is being missed and loved, and that the people who miss and love them want to keep them safe.